As much as I hate to say it, as women we suffer from an array of Body Image issues regardless of our shape, size, height, weight etc.
I have also noticed that the areas of this supposed imperfection can change just as the seasons do because what we see around us seems to dictate the way that we view ourselves.
Even though we already know that none of us were meant to look alike we still find ourselves swayed by the general standards of the world and sometimes misjudging what we should or should not look like.
Outside of weight, muscle mass and hair colour, we have becomes obsessed with changing the parts of us that we realistically shouldn’t be able to. The elective plastic surgery figures in the UK continue to climb, with the recession having no visible effect on the lengths that we will go to, to be “perfect”. You’ll be interested to know that this percentage has risen in men and well as women.
I am not the most insecure woman in the world, and at the age of 30, I have learned my body and how to best represent/work with it but I still have those days where I wake up and feel ugly and unattractive…
I have decided to take this blog in a new direction and will begin a series of postings all about the body. They will include segments about me and my body, the stories of others, the way different people around the world view the body. If I stumble across any “helpful hints” I will post those also.
My aim is to discuss and share with the same honesty that you would find in any of the posts that have come before these on this blog and on my main blog ( www.dontthinkjustfeel.blogspot.com) .
Hopefully you’ll like it and will become involved in it too.
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